Thursday, March 26, 2009


After I ranted yesterday about the MAN STEP I googled the thing and realized again, you are never alone. It appears there are a TON of people fired up about these Chevy Ads. That's the great thing abouts the "internetsss." Seems those ads blew up like a "nuke-u-ler bomb." Had to throw that in. Still pokin fun at W. Anywho, I also want to mention to Howie that I have a "MAN STEPSTOOL" I carry in my F-150 because my lame old un-manly knees won't allow me to climb up in the bed! Or if YOU might call it, Howie, a "WOOSIE STEP." I also read Ford is pleased with the ad. Folks are running into dealerships wanting the step. More things that make you go Hmmm.

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